Ahockalypse is a 2017 American comedy horror film written and directed by Wayne Harry Johnson Jr. (Into the Void), based on a storyline by Craig Patrick. The Sparrowhawk Pictures stars Jesse Rennicke, Squall Charlson and Alex Galick.
The Prairie Kings hockey team fight for the league championship and for their lives all in one night…
The film is currently in post-production.
Main cast:
Jesse Rennicke, Squall Charlson (Gags; Wendigosis; A Nightmare on Twitch.TV), Alex Galick, Kaylee Williams (Stirring; Leaf Blower Massacre 2; Porkchop 3D; et al), Cole Eckert, Barry Melrose, Kelly Chase, Gabrielle Arrowsmith, Lindsey Kuehl, Troy Antoine LaFaye, Rachel Vedder, Ajuawak Kapashesit, Ryan J. Gilmer, Michael Dean, Casandra Ha, Toria Bayer.
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