The Dark Mile is a 2017 British folk horror film co-produced and directed by Gary Love from a screenplay by Gaby Hull. It stars Rebecca Calder, Deirdre Mullins, Paul Brannigan and Finlay MacMillan.
London couple Louise and Clare (Rebecca Calder and Deirdre Mullins) book a sailing trip in the Highlands to recover from a personal tragedy. The location may be idyllic but soon they are tormented by a black industrial barge that follows them, and by the dysfunctional pagan folk on board…
The film will premiere at the Edinburgh Film Festival in June 2017.
Main cast:
Rebecca Calder, Deirdre Mullins, Finlay MacMillan, Paul Brannigan, Sheila Hancock, Marcia Rose, Harmony Rose Bremner, Elaine M. Ellis.
The film’s working title was Hush Darling.