Flay is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by digital effects creator Eric Pham (Sin City; Grindhouse, and now making his feature directorial debut) from a screenplay by Matthew Daley. The Phame Factory production stars Violett Beane, Elle LaMont and A. Michael Baldwin.
Pham commented: “I’ve always been fascinated with ghost stories and the mythologies behind ghosts and spirits. I see Flay as a contemporary mashup of the Japanese legend of the Noppera-bo, or faceless ghost, and Native American legends.”
Returning home after the mysterious death of her mother, an estranged daughter struggles to reconnect with her brother and escape the curse of the faceless spirit who haunts them…
Main cast:
Violett Beane (Truth or Dare), Elle LaMont (Dead Still; Varsity Blood; From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series), A. Michael Baldwin, Emily Grace Dunn, Johnny Walter, Dalton E. Gray, Peggy Schott, Kaylee King, Savanna Jean Dupre, Aaron Spivey-Sorrells, Mike Dell, Stephen Latham, Jordan LeuVoy, Sarah Joy Byington, David Harrod Jr.
The film will be distributed worldwide by Uncork’d Entertainment.
Filming locations:
Austin, Texas, USA
Running time:
94 minutes