The Changeover is a 2017 British-New Zealand supernatural fantasy horror film directed by Miranda Harcourt and Stuart McKenzie from a screenplay by the latter, based on Margaret Mahy’s novel. The Firefly Films production stars Melanie Lynskey, Lucy Lawless, Timothy Spall (The Enfield Haunting; Wake Wood; Gothic; et al).
Sixteen year-old Laura Chant lives with her mother and four year-old brother Jacko in a low-rent suburb on the edge of earthquake-scarred Christchurch, New Zealand.
Laura is drawn into a supernatural battle with an ancient spirit who attacks Jacko and slowly drains the life out of him as the spirit becomes ever younger. Laura discovers her true identity and the supernatural ability within her, and must harness it to save her brother’s life…
The film is currently in post-production.
Main cast:
Melanie Lynskey (XX; The Frighteners), Lucy Lawless (Ash vs Evil Dead; The Darkroom; Vampire Bats; Locusts), Timothy Spall (The Enfield Haunting; Wake Wood; Gothic; et al), Nicholas Galitzine, Erana James, Kate Harcourt, Ella Edward, Kevin MacIsaac, Tawanda Manyimo, Levi Fridd.
Filming locations:
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand