‘Death is on her side.’
Death on Scenic Drive is a 2017 Canadian horror film written and directed by Gabriel Carrer (The Demolisher; Kill; Desperate Souls). The Latefox Pictures-Smak Studios production stars Ry Barrett, Jessica Vano and Christian Burgess.
During the cold winter months at a secluded countryside home, a young woman named Larissa (Stephanie Ash) encounters an entity that transforms her into Death itself over the course of three nightmarish days. She reins a violent storm against Dallas Henson (Ry Barrett) and the family that resides there…
Main cast:
Ry Barrett (The Heretics; Kingdom Come; If a Tree Falls), Jessica Vano (The Demolisher; Tormented), Christian Burgess (The Demolisher), Stephanie Ash, Matthew Ninaber, Brianna Lamarre, Amanda Lamarre, Jeff Ash, Faith Singleton.
Filming locations:
Brantford and Toronto, Ontario, Canada
IMDb | Source: Screen Anarchy