The Little Vampire 3D is a 2017 German animated film directed by Karsten Kiilerich and co-producer Richard Claus from a screenplay by the latter and Larry Wilson. The film is based on the characters from the bestselling novels by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg. Jim Carter and Alice Kruge reprise their roles of Rookery and Freda, respectively, from the 2000 film, The Little Vampire.
Rudolph is a thirteen year-old vampire, whose clan is threatened by a notorious vampire hunter. He meets Tony, a mortal of the same age, who is fascinated by old castles, graveyards and – vampires…
The film features the voices of Jim Carter, Rasmus Hardiker, Alice Krige (Silent Hill; Haunted Summer; Ghost Story), Tim Pigott-Smith, Miriam Margolyes, Matthew Marsh, Joseph Kloska, Phoebe Givron-Taylor, Amy Saville, Diane Wilson, Graham Clarke, Julia Rhodes, Kevin Otto.