First House on the Hill is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by Matteo Saradini from a screenplay co-written with Domenico Cutrupi and Kristian Messere. It stars Helene Udy, Valentina Nappi and Eugenia Kuzmina.
Four friends decide to spend a weekend in a Malibu mansion owned by an old lady. The situation is flipped upside down once they come across an ancient haunted tarot deck that will change the fate of their lives…
The film is currently in post-production and will be distributed by Nocturnal Eye Film.
Main cast:
Helene Udy (The Possession of Mia Moss; Stirring; Swamp Freak; et al), Valentina Nappi, Eugenia Kuzmina, Chloe Farnworth, Sonja Kinski, Paola Saulino, Lou Volpe, Kristian Messere, Umberto Celisano, Ottavio Taddei, Christine Scherer.
Filming locations:
Malibu, California, USA
Mountain View Cemetery – 2400 N. Fair Oaks, Altadena, California, USA
Gemini Manor, Hollywood, California, USA