‘The cycle begins’
7 Witches is a 2017 American horror film directed by Brady Hall (Tits and Blood; Polterchrist) from a screenplay co-written with producer Ed Dougherty (Monster, 2012 short). It stars Persephone Apostolou, Megan Hensley and Mike Jones.
Main cast:
Persephone Apostolou, Megan Hensley, Mike Jones, Macall Gordon, Danika Golombek, Nancy Frye, Bill Ritchie, Ben Van Dusen, Kris Keppeler, Rory Ross, Lorraine Montez, Rod Pilloud, Kay LaVergne Jaz, Gordon Frye, Maureen Hawkins.
Filming locations:
Seattle, Washington, USA
The film’s original title was Vows.