Death-Scort Service is a 2015 slasher horror film directed by Sean Donohue (Cannibal Claus; Die Die Delta Pi; Joe Vampire) from a screenplay co-written with Chris Woods (Chaos A.D.; Make Them Die Sleazy!; Bleed). It stars Krystal Pixie Adams, Amethist Young, and Bailey Paige.
In Las Vegas, a group of prostitutes become the focus of a serial killer intent on brutally murdering them all…
Funding for the movie was partially raised through an Indiegogo campaign and the film was released on October 13, 2015. A sequel, Death-Scort Service Part 2: The Naked Dead, is in post-production.
” …functions primarily as an attempt to keep the carnival-scumbag vibe of vintage H.G. Lewis, David Friedman and Doris Wishman alive and well. I think it is well aware that its acting is pitiful, that its production values have none and that its transgressions are kind of an art-house experiment in bad taste.”
” …there’s absolutely nothing about Death-Scort Service that’s subtle; it hits you repeatedly about the head and neck until the final credits roll. Sometimes it’s with nudity, sometimes it’s with violence. Occasionally, you get both. Again, that’s definitely not a complaint. I found myself enjoying the flick even when I felt dirty, which, I guess, is a compliment.” Todd Rigney, Dread Central
“I think that a little more time spent introducing the victims would have added more weight and clarity to the story. I get that this movie is fast-paced, but a little more info on these gals would have gone a long way. All in all, if you have enjoyed other films from Sleaze Box then you will definitely dig this nudity filled, gore soaked throwback…” Blaine McLaren, Mondo McLaren
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” …the film is full of on screen kills that take us back to the S.O.V. days. Most are gruesome with crude practical effects but shot in a way that it makes it fun. Overall, Death-Scort Service is the f*cking slasher film for the ages. The film is so f*cking dirty that you will need to shower after watching it. If you like em sleazy then look no further.” Blacktooth, Horror Society
Cast and characters:
- Krystal Pixie Adams as Michelle
- Amethist Young as Gwen
- Bailey Paige as Erica
Ashley Lynn Caputo as Missy - Sean Donohue as John #1/Strip Club Patron #1
- Cayt Feinics as Jamie
- Bob Glazier as Buddy
- Lisa Marie Kart as Beverly
- Joel D. Wynkoop as Angus
- Joe Makowski as Mysterious Driver
- Jessica Morgan as Tara
- Alice Reigns as Julie
- Evan Stone as T.V. Personality
- Paula Tsurara as Candy
- Amanda Welch as Dakota
- Geneva Whitmore as Pamela
- Chris Woods as John #2/Strip Club Patron #2
Filming locations:
Tampa, Florida, USA