‘Beauty is pain’
Deviant Behavior is a 2017 American slasher horror film directed by Jacob Grim (Dreadtime Stories) from a screenplay by Sal Hernandez. It stars Eric Rodrigue, Alex Heatherley and Tania Monroy.
A masked self-made transgender, on a twisted mission to become the most beautiful woman in town, is interrupted by Charlie Reese, a sleazy private detective who has discovered her world of torture and depravity…
” …the mean bits of the movie aren’t for everyone, but if a bit of gruesomeness is something you enjoy with a proper story attached, then this one is definitely for you.” Mike Haberfelner, Search My Trash
Main cast:
Eric Rodrigue, Alex Heatherley, Tania Monroy, L.G. Koruptore, Hendrik James, John Dugan, Pablo Schmitt, Ed Guinn, Bonnie Ann Coronado, Buddy Smith, John Gonzalez, Laura Schmitt, Patrick Chabera, Hannah Valadez, Lisa McGrew, Mario Aguilar, Hannah Keller, Taylor Tolleson, Skeeter Ullman, Aiden Xander Cox, Jason McCahan, Taylor Goldman, Kidd Garcia, Jake Gonzales.
Filming locations:
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA