‘This is a cold cruel world’
The Dark Below is a 2015 horror survival thriller written, co-produced and directed by Douglas Shulze (The Monster Show; Mimesis; Dark Fields; et al) from a storyline co-written with Jonathan D’Ambrosio. It stars Lauren Mae Shafer, David G.B. Brown and Veronica Cartwright (Alien).
A young woman (Lauren Mae Shafer) struggles for survival beneath a frozen lake while a cold-blooded serial killer (David G.B. Brown) stalks her from the surface…
The film, which has minimal dialogue, features a distinctive soundtrack by artist Eric Bobo (Cypress Hill, The Beastie Boys)
The Dark Below is released theatrically in the US by Parade Deck Films on March 10, 2017.
“While it’s not a perfect film — the frost bite would be more extreme in reality, there are a few issues with the sound design, and the score is bit over the top in telling you what to feel — The Dark Below is a frozen-solid thriller that will chill you to the bone.” Michelle Galgana, Screen Anarchy
“In place of speech, there is an endless brooding soundtrack and after a while the verbal silence just became a little bit of a gimmick that got a lot old. A Dark Below is an interesting experiment as a film and it definitely has its moments (plus a cameo by Veronica Cartwright). Parts of it are riveting, but its chosen format causes some pacing issues and the story itself suffers from stretched plausibility.” Adam Ruhl, Pop Culture Beast
” …the film treats the audience to some striking underwater photography and a tense, haunting soundtrack. For awhile, it’s riveting. Then, it gets a little old. The film tries to shoehorn in a twisty plot about how she got there that’s a bit contrived and ultimately silly, with a groan-worthy payoff.” Laura Di Girolamo, Cinefilles
” …it’s dialogue free and Schulze is able to get much more plot details and character across through visuals, music and sound. Schulze could have played The Dark Below as a straightforward thriller and tick many of the usual conventions, but by creating his own rules, he’s able to craft a film that stands well above other claustrophobic survival dramas.” Niall Brown, Movies in Focus
Main cast:
Lauren Mae Shafer (Fractured; Mimesis; Secrets in the Walls), David G.B. Brown (The Ark of the Witch; Mimesis), Veronica Cartwright (The Invasion; Alien), Zachary Levine, Seraphina Anne Zorn, Tiffany Burns.