Mansion of Blood is 2015 American comedy horror film written and directed by Mike Donahue. It stars Gary Busey (Sharknado: The 4th Awakens; Gingerdead Man and sequels; Silver Bullet), Robert Picardo (Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus; 976-EVIL; Munchies), Ray Quiroga and Tom Tangen.
Millionaire Mason Murphy renovates the haunted Mayhew mansion. He moves his family to the estate with his creepy servant Zacharia (Gary Busey). He plans a tremendous lunar eclipse viewing party to celebrate his return to his hometown of River Ridge Iowa.
At the party, a witch casts a spell to summon the spirit of her dead boyfriend. The magic runs out of control under the eclipse and a series of deadly accidents lead to revenge killings and then all the monsters come out as the party guests are murdered one by one…
Main cast:
Gary Busey, Robert Picardo, Ray Quiroga, Tom Tangen, Tyrone Power Jr., Eddy Salazar, Lorraine Ziff, Mindy Robinson, Jennifer Tapiero, Jaira Valenti, Sarah Alami, Chris Allaire, Carla Laemmle, Sam Stone, Alexandra Cramer.
“Mansion of Blood is enormously entertaining, and yet it’s pretty terrible in every regard. Its main problem is that it’s so incredibly busy, and writer-director Mike Donahue has no idea how to pin everything together. We get a cavalcade of characters, a whole host of little situations created at the party during the film’s first half (affairs, double-crosses etc), and – as events progress – murders galore as every horror trope in the book is pulled out of the bag.” Stuart Willis, Sex Gore Mutants
“As we stared wide-eyed at the screen, it crossed my mind that this was all some sort of colossal joke. But no, it was meant to be an effective horror/comedy/murder mystery. It wasn’t scary, there were perhaps two genuine guffaws and the early scenes of characters trying to find clues to specific treasures – were like the rest of the film – a frantic mess of randomness.” Michael Klug, Horrorfreak News
“Mansion of Blood is a really bad film. To say it is poorly made is an affront to other poorly made films. At 98 minutes it is excruciatingly long. It needed to be trimmed by at least 20 minutes. This would not have been hard to do as there was so little cohesion between the various storylines.” Andrew Swope, Rock! Shock! Pop!
“ …covers almost every facet of horror movies, almost every era, almost every sub-genre, almost anything & everything imaginable with one hell of a cast to boot. All of this could’ve made for a horror movie of epic proportions, BUT (and isn’t there always a but?), none of this is done in any way that’s logical, cohesive, well written or even well produced. In fact, Mansion of Blood achieves epic status, but it’s an epic train wreck.” Brandon C. Sites
IMDb | Image credits: Body Count Rising