Spaceship Terror is a 2011 science fiction slasher horror film written and directed by Harry Tchinski (Grimises Rising). It stars Kristen Springer, Jay Wesley Cochran (Buzzard Hollow Beef) and Lacey Blair.
Marooned on a deserted planet, and then picked up by a old, nearly derelict spaceship, five women and one injured man slowly fall victim to the horrific bloodlust of a deranged killer…
SGL Entertainment (Sugar Skull Girls; Voodoo Rising; The House of Evil) have acquired the rights to the film and intend to release it later this year on Blu-ray, DVD and VOD.
Main cast:
Kristen Springer, Jay Wesley Cochran, Lacey Blair, Stephen Lestat, Emma Lee Nguyen, Ronda Olshefski, Yulia Hancheroff and Jenny Lin (The Burning Dead; Dexter; Night Out: Vampires).
Filming locations:
Bonney Lake and Graham, Washington, USA