‘Some people are the death of the party’
Garden Party Massacre is a 2017 comedy horror film written, co-produced, directed by and starring Gregory Blair (Deadly Revisions).
A gathering of friends goes seriously awry when an uninvited guest appears. With a pick-axe. And an attitude…
Gregory Blair commented: “I love films that successfully walk that line between horror and comedy, whether it’s witty and referential like Scream or giddy low camp like Army of Darkness.”
The film is currently in post-production via Pix/See Productions.
Main cast:
Andy Gates (My Haunted House; Haunting of Cellblock 11; Zombies in the Basement), Nichole Bagby, David Leeper, Douglas Green, LeJon, Lise Hart, Art Roberts, Gregory Blair, Tiffani Fest, Marv Blauvelt, Dawna Lee Heising, Matt Weinglass, Audrey Mitchell, Carrie Jones, Sam Ghazi, David Biber, C.J. Gilmore, Raymond Vinsik Williams, Susan Land, and Olivia Land.
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