Ozone: The Attack of the Redneck Mutants is a 1986 ecological horror film written [as Brad Redd] and directed by Matt Devlen (Tabloid! and co-producer of Soulmates; Body Parts; The Invisible Maniac).
The film was co-produced by Devlen and Bret McCormick (Repligator; Highway to Hell; The Abomination) and stars Scott Davis (The Abomination), Blue Thompson, and Brad McCormick.
A hole in the Ozone layer caused by toxic pollution turns a group of rednecks into flesh-eating mutants…
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“The acting is low-budget quality, but not horrible. There’s lots of toilet humor and gross sound effects to keep the immature at heart giggling a bit. Like I said before, some of the blood and gore scenes are quite well done […] There’s a bunch of good to go along with a handful of bad…” HorrorNews.net
“This would have been campy fun in the vein of H.G. Lewis but the comedy is very lame, and the splatter occurs mostly at the climax where rednecks go on a rampage in a karaoke gathering and in people’s homes, tearing people apart. The rest of the gore consists of blood splatter and a lot of multicolored goo oozing and vomiting.” The Worldwide Celluloid Massacre
“This movie does take full advantage of the fact that it was filmed in such a precious format as Super 8. It even has fun with itself, as all the sound is dubbed in post-production (the lips don’t match the words half the time, as if a rewrite of the script was done in post-production to add more jokes, once they figured out how ridiculous the whole concept of the film truly was).” Jaime Grijalba, Desist Film
” …a good example of what you can achieve what a backyard filmmaking team can achieve when it sets out to do something squarely within its means — not much, to put it kindly, but the kind of “not much” that’s done with enough passion, heart, and balls that it ends up having its own kind of demented, but thoroughly watchable, charm.” Ryan C., Trash Film Guru