Virgin Cheerleaders in Chains is a 2017 American horror film directed by Brazilian filmmaker Paulo Biscaia Filho (13 Weird Stories; Morgue Story: Sangue, Baiacu e Quadrinhos) from a screenplay by producer Gary McClain Gannaway. It stars Dominique Davalos, Elizabeth Maxwell and Gary Teague.
A bumbling young film crew, shooting a low-budget horror movie in an abandoned orphanage, discovers that a family of sadistic killers has rewritten their script…
The film is currently in post-production.
Main cast:
Elizabeth Maxwell, Dominique Davalos, Gary Teague, Ammie Leonards, Jasmin Carina, Kelsey Pribilski, Larry Jack Dotson, Gary Kent, Don Daro, Kaci Beeler, Eric Cepeda, Woody Wilson Hall, Ken Edwards, David Sturgeon, Evan Michael Glover.