Volcano Zombies is a 2014 American horror film directed by Rene Perez (The Dead and the Damned) and written and produced by Jeff Miller and Jason Ancona (co-writers and producers of Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan). It stars Danny Trejo (Machete, Machete Kills, Dead in Tombstone), Tom Downey (Axe Giant, The Beast of Bray Road), Moniqua Plante, Robert F. Lyons (Dark Night of the Scarecrow, 10 To Midnight), Nicole Cummins, Kevin Norman, Kyle T. Heffner, Julia Lehman (Cheerleader Massacre 2), Tom Nagel (Hillside Cannibals) and Jenny Lin (Piranhaconda).
The plot concerns a sheriff and an estranged family who must escape not only the impending eruption of what was thought to be a dormant volcano but also a horde of zombies brought to life by the cursed mountain.
The film is in post-production…