Agatha is a 2016 American horror short film written, produced, edited and directed by Timothy Vandenburg. It stars Louise Ogle, Penny Kahut and Renee Farrabow.
Young Sophie has been hired to bring food every night to a mysterious old woman who is locked in an attic. Is the old woman a prisoner? Is she dangerous? Each night, as Sophie completes her task, her curiosity draws her closer and closer to what might be her last meal…
Following a successful Kickstarter campaign that financed Agatha as a short film, the intention is to develop it as a feature in 2017.
“Agatha packs a lot of terror and emotional heft into its short running time … Horror this unnerving doesn’t come along too often in this day and age, but when it does it reminds you of why you fell in love with the genre in the first place – as a child, drawn to the mystique of the danger, must like young Sophie.” Kieran Fisher, Scream magazine
“ …Agatha has everything you want from a horror short – oodles of dark mood, a ghoulishly chilling set-up, performers who seal the deal and that eerie final reveal.” Michael Klug, Horrorfreak News
“Once the premise is established — simply and elegantly — it is up to the viewer to watch and attempt to piece together the mystery behind the Agatha character. in fact, even by the film’s end, although the fate of the young girl is heavily implied, it is never expressly spelled out, leaving the viewer unsettled and still curious.” Deb Kavis, Rue Morgue