‘Back on the prowl’
American Beast – formerly known as Solitude – is a 2016 horror film directed by Livingston Oden and Taylor Scott Olson. It stars Armin Habibovich, Victoria Lachelle, Brent Latchaw, Alex Cotant, Glen Stone, Kelly Lavasseur and Amy Correll.
The film will be released on DVD in North America on January 3rd through Sony Pictures. Screenbound issued the film on DVD in the UK on 3 October as Beast of Prey.
Official synopsis:
After his mother’s death, James Erikson discovers her old storage locker filled with journals and newspapers of his family’s history. As he researches it, he finds out about the evil that his family has tried to contain for several generations, beginning in 1939 on a mysterious piece of property in a small town called Solitude…