The Dark Tapes is a 2017 found footage science fiction horror anthology film directed by producer Vincent J. Guastini and Michael McQuown, from a screenplay by the latter, for Thunder Road Incorporated productions.
As a special effects artist, director Vincent J. Guastini has worked on The Black Room; It Watches; Havenhurst; VHS Viral; Transylmania; plus many other movies.
Main cast:
Brittany Underwood, David Hull, Cortney Palm, Emilia Ares Zoryan, Anna Rose Moore, Shawn Lockie.
Official synopsis:
A genre-defying mixture of horror, sci-fi, myth, mystery and thrills told as four interlocking tales in one intelligent anthology. Ghosts, spirits, creatures, demons and more from the paranormal world collide with rational curiosity…
Filming Locations:
Los Angeles, California, USA
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