‘He’s just a little out of his mind’
Loon is a 2015 horror film written, co-produced and directed by Brandon Tobatto (Blood for Blood; Hacked Up for the Barbecue). A sequel, Loons, was released in 2016. Both films are available to view on YouTube, having been posted on the director’s own Tobatto Entertainment channel.
Main cast:
Tara Moates, Trevor Moates, John Nieman, Ryan Gray, Jadyne Dimond, Mike Lester, Kyle Clark, Kerissa Porte and Randy Porte.
A brother and sister try to uncover the mystery of an old abandoned carnival attraction and the maniac that supposedly thrives within…
” …the film does have some brutal kills but most are taken off camera where they lose their effectiveness. The special effects are not that great either but the camera tricks helped cover them up. With all that being said, the cinematography is beautiful … Overall, Loon is a valiant shot as the slasher but does fall short. Though the film is flawed it does deserve at least one shot.” Blacktooth, Horror Society
“The unoriginal screenplay is the least worst thing about Loon. The cast are universally bad with Tara Moates being the only stand out and only because she’s very cute looking but thespian wise she also gives the same sort of painfully distracting wooden performances where no matter what happens to who they sound as they’re reading out a shopping list . On top of that we’ve got completely static camera work and disjointed editing on both a visual and audio level.” Theo Robertson, IMDb