Ghost Stories is a 2017 British supernatural horror film written and directed by Jeremy Dyson (The League of Gentlemen) and Andy Nyman. It is a cinematic adaptation of the stage show of the same name, which last ran at The Arts Theatre, near Leicester Square, in London in 2015.
Main cast:
Martin Freeman (Cargo; Hot Fuzz; Shaun of the Dead), Alex Lawther, Andy Nyman (ABCs of Death 2: segment ‘A’; Black Death; Severance), Paul Whitehouse (Burke and Hare; Corpse Bride), Amy Doyle, Ryan Oliva (Heretiks; Howl; The Seasoning House), Ramzan Miah, Emily Carding (Scareycrows), Maria Major.
Having stumbled across a long-lost file containing details of three cases of inexplicable ‘hauntings’, Professor Phillip Goodman, an arch sceptic, embarks upon a terror-filled quest to find the truth…