Replace is a Canadian-German body horror film directed by Norbert Keil (short: Twisted), making his feature debut. The screenplay was co-written with Richard Stanley (The Island of Dr. Moreau; Dust Devil; Hardware). Additional dialogue was provided by Scarlett Amaris.
The film is currently in post-production.
Main cast:
Rebecca Forsythe, Lucie Aron, Barbara Crampton (Death House; Day of Reckoning; We Are Still Here), Sean Knopp, Adnan Maral, Agnes Kiyomi Decker, Teresa Gluck, Daniel Holzberg, Matthias Beier.
Official synopsis:
Young and beautiful Kira is afflicted with a strange disease where her skin ages rapidly to the point of drying out and crumbling away. When she discovers that she can replace her own skin with somebody else’s, she has to make a choice: watch her own body wither and die or give in to temptation… whatever the price!