#FromJennifer is a 2017 American horror film written, co-produced and directed by Frank Merle (Carnage, Chaos & Creeps; Gnaw: A Glimpse at the Zombie Apocalypse), based on characters created by co-executive producer James Cullen Bressack. Hunter Johnson (director of 2 Jennifer) co-produced.
The third film in the Jennifer series, #FromJennifer was shot entirely on GoPro cameras.
Main cast:
Danielle Taddei [as Jennifer], Derek Mears (Freaks of Nature; Lost Time; Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead), Tony Todd (Death House; Zombies; Live-Evil), Aaron Abrams (Regression; Hannibal TV series), Trae Ireland (13/13/13), Sarah Allyn Bauer (Monster Shrink; American Horror Story; Horror Show), Charles Chudabala, Meghan Deanna Smith (Sharknado: Heart of Sharkness), Curtis Kingsley, Emily Dahm, Kurt Scholler, Emlee Vassilos, Devin Reeve, Neil W. Garguilo, Alex Napiwocki, Christian Ackerman.
A struggling actress named Jennifer tries to navigate the high-pressure world of social media stardom. When she gets dropped by her manager for not having a big enough social media following, Jennifer loses her grip on reality and sets out on a bizarre revenge plan, designed to be filmed and posted online in a desperate bid for internet fame….