The Witching Hour was an American comic book horror anthology published by DC Comics from 1969 to 1978.
The series was published for eighty-five issues from February–March 1969 to October 1978. The comic’s initial tagline was “It’s 12 o’clock… The Witching Hour!” until it was changed to “It’s midnight…” from issue #14 onwards.
The series was originally edited by Dick Giordano, who was replaced by Murray Boltinoff with issue #14. Stories in the comic were “hosted” and introduced by three witches, based on Macbeth‘s Weird Sisters: Morded, Mildred, and Cynthia. The witches defined the archetypal Maiden/Mother/Crone—in reverse order—triumvirate of womanhood.
Writers who worked on the comic included Alex Toth, Dennis O’Neil, Gerry Conway, Steve Skeates, Marv Wolfman, George Kashdan and Carl Wessler. Nick Cardy was a key inker/penciller.
After The Witching Hour’s cancellation in 1978, the title was merged with The Unexpected, until issue #209.
Wikipedia | Image thanks: Comic Vine (visit to see the full selection of covers)