“When you disturb the dead, you must pay the price.”
The Ghost Dance – aka Ghost Dance – is a 1980 American supernatural slasher horror film directed by Peter F. Buffa. It should not be confused with 1983 British film Ghost Dance, directed by Ken McMullen.
Main cast:
Julie Amato, Victor Mohica, Henry Bal, Frank Salsedo, James Andronica, Patricia Alice Albrecht, Deloris Maaske, J. Christopher Senter, Hank Kendrick, Felicia Leon, Ramon Chavez, Frank A. Soto, Jim Brockett, Kirk Koskella.
“Native Americans are always intriguing and mystic characters for the silver screen, but hiring a cast of competent actors that carry the appearance, heritage and dramatic credibility is never an easy task for a film crew on a meagre budget. With that said, the performances here are reasonably good and credit to Victor Mohica for a strong turning as the leading man.” Luisito Joaquín González, A Slash Above…
“This was Buffa’s first and only directorial effort and I’m sorry for that because he knows how to frame a shot and there are some pretty nice set up’s sprinkled to and fro here. He also knows how to write a pretty decent script judging from what I got here, I wish he had continued to ply his trade and make another film but alas, this was both his debut and his swan song in one fell swoop.” The Black Saint, HorrorNews.net
” …for a cheap regional horror movie, it’s got some pretty decent photography! The cinematographer was Fred Murphy, who would go on to shoot movies like Larry Cohen’s Q… Well, it’s hardly a perfect movie, and it’s only even a lost gem if you’re predisposed to liking the very specific elements that make it up and if you’re in exactly the right mood for it… Ha Ha, It’s Burl!
“Ghost Dance just narrowly misses being a mini-classic. The killer is never particularly scary – although at least he’s silent. The film lurches – sometimes uncomfortably – between slasher flick, possession story and mystical mystery. Incredibly, Buffa withstands the temptation to off some of the bowl-cutted students at the university. A few more death scenes would have given the film a little more oomph…” Justin Kerswell, Hysteria Lives
“Good Arizona location photography but the film is amateurish – from Peter Buffa’s direction to the (non)acting of Henry Bal and Julie Amato … plenty dull” John Stanley, Creature Features