Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom is a 2016 animated film co-produced, written and directed by Sean Patrick O’Reilly. It is based on the graphic novel of the same name. The inspiration comes from the writings of American horror author H. P. Lovecraft.
The Howard Lovecraft series is a trilogy of graphic novels that began publishing in 2009 with Howard Lovecraft and The Frozen Kingdom. The books derived their world and characters from the Cthulhu Mythos created by Lovecraft.
Howard Lovecraft and The Frozen Kingdom is the first screen adaptation of the Howard Lovecraft series and the first animated feature adaptation of Lovecraft’s work. It features vocal performances from Ron Perlman, Christopher Plummer, Jane Curtin, Doug Bradley and Scott McNeil.
In the US, Shout Factory are releasing the film on Blu-ray on September 27th.
After visiting his father in Arkham Sanitarium, young Howard Lovecraft accidentally uses the legendary Necronomicon to open a portal to a strange frozen world filled with horrifying creatures and a great adventure…
“Hardcore fans of the author will appreciate the minutia, but writer-director Sean Patrick O’Reilly (Pixies) crams too much mythology into 83 minutes. Simple scenes like Howard and Spot playing in the snow linger too long, while complex references are glossed over in passing. Yet all of that will go over most younger viewers’ heads, leaving them with an enjoyable tale.” Alex DiVincenzo, Broke Horror Fan
Cast and characters:
- Ron Perlman – Shoggoth
- Christopher Plummer – Dr. West
- Jane Curtin – Algid Bunk
- Doug Bradley – Nyarlathotep
- Scott McNeil – Govlins
- Alison Wandzura – Mary Lovecraft
- Kiefer O’Reilly – Howard Lovecraft
- Tyler Nicol – Winfield Lovecraft