Red Eye is a 2017 American horror film directed by Tristan Clay (making his feature debut, he previously directed shorts: Sin; Desolate; Karma) from a screenplay co-written with Destinie Orndoff.
Jessica Cameron (Mania; Truth or Dare), Destinie Orndoff (The Haunting of Mia Moss; Party Night), Heather Dorff (Fraternal Nightmares; Incorporeal; Truth or Dare), Hayden Wilberger, Clayton Abbott and Scott King.
Four friends set out to document a local legend in West Virginia. Will their passion cross the line? Or will it bleed through?
Cast and characters:
- Jessica Cameron as Bea
- Heather Dorff as Ryann O’Riley
- Destinie Orndoff as Rykyr Jacobs
- Hayden Wilberger as Jake Lockhart
- Clayton Abbott as Red Eye
- Scott King as Gage Barker
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