Death Ward 13 is a 2017 American horror film directed by Todd Nunes (All Through the House aka A Nightmare Christmas) from a screenplay co-written with Tara Knight; the film is produced by Stephen Readmond and Christopher Stanley for Bone Crusher Films.
The film is “inspired” by the 1972 horror film Don’t Look in the Basement directed by S. F. Brownrigg. It is also inspired by Edgar Allan Poe‘s dark comedy short story The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether (1845).
Death Ward 13 is currently in pre-production in Los Angeles.
1973: The Stephens Sanitarium for the Criminally Insane prepares to shut down permanently. Days before closing, four beautiful nursing students arrive to care for the last handful of “harmless” mental patients in a suspiciously understaffed ward.
Confronted by their violent charges, the nurses soon realize that they are trapped inside the asylum with a deadly crew of vicious lunatics. Each patient has their own perverse identity, their own personal demons, and their own violent agenda. Pushed to the brink of insanity, the young nurses find themselves in a gruesome fight for survival inside Ward 13…
Adam Lee Price talks to Todd Nunes about this film and All Through the House for Fangoria
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