Hell Town is a 2015 American melodrama and soap opera style comedy horror film presented as three episodes of a sadistic twist on Masterpiece Theater. It was written and directed by Steve Balderson and Elizabeth Spear with co-writers Michael Page and Chris Pudlo.
Hell Town is now available to rent or own on Dish Network, Cox, Charter, Verizon Fios, iTunes, Amazon Instant, Google Play, Vudu and more via Gravitas Ventures.
Main cast:
Debbie Rochon (Death House; Model Hunger; Clinger; Varsity Blood), Krysten Day, Amanda Deibert, Owen Lawless, Ben Windholz, Jennifer Grace and Pleasant Gehman.
In the middle of all the everyday drama of one-sided infatuations, backstabbing bitchiness, bottled-up sexuality, sibling rivalry and general small-town angst, the Letter Jacket Killer is killing students in a variety of sadistic ways.
As the body count rises and the blood pools closer to home, it becomes clear that one of our main characters is the killer.
Everyone, from the prom queen and shirtless jock to the nosey geek and the super bitch, are all suspects in the carnage…