Tales of Poe is a 2014 American horror anthology film co-directed by Bart Mastronardi and Alan Rowe Kelly. It combines three of Edgar Allan Poe’s most popular stories: The Tell Tale Heart, The Cask of Amontillado and Dreams.
The film stars Adrienne King (Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th Part 2), Caroline Williams (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Halloween 2), Amy Steel (Friday the 13th Part 2, April Fool’s Day) Debbie Rochon (Model Hunger, Hell Town) and Lesleh Donaldson (Happy Birthday to Me, Funeral Home).
In the US, Wild Eye Releasing plans to distribute Tales of Poe on DVD and Digital HD in October 2016.
“Tales of Poe overcomes its budgetary limitations and manages to entertain its audience both visually and thematically. There are a few genuinely creepy moments that’ll chill your blood, and some fine performances that elevate the proceedings in a most elegant manner.” The Black Saint, HorrorNews.net
“Despite plenty of imagination, style and talent Tales of Poe is not the miracle that some reviews are painting it out to be. However, for precisely those reasons, it is a very, very good one. Thought-provoking and well-made, it is a feast for the eyes with a sterling cast and some real wit and imagination.” Hickey’s House of Horrors
“Tales of Poe is a refreshing ride into the mind of Edgar Allan Poe as it gives us three different and quite quirky takes on his work. My favorite would have to be The Tell-Tale Heart, everything about that segment just flowed so well and it was the perfect length. Loved it. Same goes for Dreams, I wasn’t familiar with that Poe story, but the visuals, the acting, it was a blast. But all in all, the segments came together well…” Chris Savage, Horror-Movies.ca
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