The Arksville Homicides is a planned American computer generated animated web series created by Lewis Roscoe. The project is currently seeking online crowd-funding via indiegogo, The prologue and a teaser trailer can be viewed on YouTube
1541: Famed Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado is heading through what is now modern day Kansas on a mission. A box containing unknown contents that has been kept sealed under lock and key by the Vatican has been delivered to him to take far from civilisation and bury as deep in the Earth as possible, never to be found again.
1967: Arksville lies within the forests of Pennsylvania. It is a large town on the verge of being a city. Since the closure of the local coal mine in 1931, and sighting themselves as a ‘get away from it all’ hamlet, tucked into rural Pennsylvania alongside the Susquehanna River the town has thrived on tourism.
Frank Wepps and his family escape from a horrible dark event in Frank’s police work in Pittsburgh, hoping to start afresh in Arksville, Frank has a new position at the Arksville Police Department. Frank’s superior – Lieutenant Eidalman, a cynical and jaded cop, once idealistic but now just sick of the bureaucracy, control and corruption of the town council. Chief Gardner of the Police Department is deep in the council’s pocket and in an effort to keep the image of the town pleasant, his department only reports a fraction of the actual crimes. Mayor Adinberry’s only concern is money, and the grand image of the town. But something is wrong from the start of Frank’s arrival – the feeling someone is stalking his family. Sure enough a figure that has a strange unearthly feel is seen following his daughter – Patricia, and his wife – Lucy. Soon bodies begin turning up around the town, locals being dispatched brutally and horrifically, mutilated beyond imagination…