The Bat People (also released as It Lives By Night) is a 1974 American horror film directed by Jerry Jameson from a screenplay by producer Lou Shaw. It was distributed by American International Pictures. The film stars Stewart Moss, Marianne McAndrew, Michael Pataki (Zoltan… Hound of Dracula), Paul Carr (Ben; Blood: The Last Vampire) and Arthur Space (The Swarm). The Bat People was one of makeup artist Stan Winston’s earliest cinema assignments after TV movie Gargoyles.
Dr. John Beck, recently married, decides to take his wife, Cathy, spelunking in Carlsbad Cavern, New Mexico. While there, Dr. Beck, who specializes in bats, is bitten by a fruit bat. He is then, inexplicably, transformed into a vampire bat. While he escapes and seeks help from another doctor, it is clear the treatments are not working. In fact, they are aggravating his condition. Dr. Beck unwittingly goes on a killing spree, catching the attention of Sergeant Ward…
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“Two scenes stand out in this Jerry Jameson-directed horror: The way-cool murder of the slimy sheriff in a small car by hundreds of bats is very bloody and fitting. More memorable, and totally hilarious, is the sex scene between Moss and McAndrew. In the throes of passion, she looks up to the squeaking, hideously hairy and ugly face of a bat. She screams and gets hysterical as Moss flees like a bat outta hell. How could you NOT love this movie?” And Then I Watched
” … it’s stupid, cheap, and takes a while getting to the bat-action (though some would count that as a strength, leaving viewers to ponder whether John is actually transforming or just rabid and hallucinating). But as a fan of all things cheap and cheesy, I thought it was great. If you feel the same, Bat People is a fun time.” Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies
“The acting here is rather stiff, with the only likeable characters being killed off as quickly as they are introduced. John’s transformation into a Bat-like creature is slow and other than being able to roll his eyes WAY back into his forehead, Stewart Moss does little to portray the inner conflict and confusion of his transformation from man to man-bat. While Marianne McAndrew is rather easy on the eyes, she does little but looked confused throughout the film.” Jason McElreath, DVD Drive-In
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