Mark of the Witch – formerly known as Another – is a 2014 supernatural American horror film written and directed by Jason Bognacki (The Red Door).
Epic Pictures are releasing the film in the US digitally and on VOD on June 6, 2016.
Main cast:
David Landry (The Blood Let; Teeth and Blood; Terrordactyl), Maria Olsen (Agoraphobia; Hacked Off!; Impuratus), Lillian Pennypacker, Nancy Wolfe (The Attic Expeditions), Michael St. Michaels and Paulie Rojas.
A beautiful young woman is driven into a dark underworld of demonic possession, desire, and extreme indulgences when she learns she may be the devil’s daughter…
” … you need a good deal of persistence to stick with Mark of the Witch until the end. Its ambitiously artsy stream sometimes undermines the narrative, which goes through fits and bursts of disjointed sequences between more coherent moments.” Becky Roberts, Horror Talk
“Mark of the Witch is not exactly what you called scary – perhaps freaky at best – and with its slim plot and game but hardly outstanding performances. However, if you’re looking for change of pace to something a little more reflective and considered, then perhaps it is the picture you should seek out.” Jack Kirby, Nerdly
“For a film that is only 80 minutes long, Mark of the Witch likes to waste its short run-time. If the film maintained a normal speed it would barely hit the hour mark. I enjoy a bit of slow-motion horror as much as the next horror fan, but when the majority of the film is shot in this way it becomes frustrating and any ounce of slow-mo meaning is quickly lost.” Jessy Williams, Scream magazine
“Mark of the Witch is a long and painful 76 minutes that, had it played out at normal speed with a little less padding, it could have made for a fun short or episode of a horror anthology. As it is, it’s slow, unnecessarily weird and cheap looking, with the wide-eyed central performance from Paulie Rojas the only thing worth sitting through it for.” Chris Ward, Flickering Myth
Trailer as Mark of the Witch:
Trailer as Another: