The Mummy is a 2017 American action adventure horror film co-produced and directed by Alex Kurtzman (Cowboys & Aliens; Sleepy Hollow; Venom) from a screenplay written by Jon Spaihts for Universal Pictures. The film is co-produced by Chris Morgan and Sean Daniel.
The cast announced so far includes Tom Cruise and Sofia Boutella (above) as the titular mummy.
The film, which was originally slated for March 24, 2017, will be released on June 9, 2017, pitting it against World War z 2 at the box office.
The Mummy is the first of their Universal classic monsters to be rebooted with rumours that Bride of Frankenstein will star Angelina Jolie. The classic monsters are expected to appear in each other’s movies before culminating in an Avengers-style all-star film.
Related: The Shuffling Saga of the Mummy on Screen – article by Daz Lawrence | The Mummy on Horrorpedia