Old 37 is an American horror film directed pseudonymously by “Alan Smithee” from a screenplay by Joe Landes and Paul Travers. The film was previously titled Death Call.
Main cast:
Kane Hodder, Bill Moseley, Catherine Blades, Brandi Cyrus, Jake Robinson, Sascha Knopf, Olivia Alexander, Robert Bogue, Caitlin Harris, Margaret Keane Williams, Kenneth Simmons, Angela Pietropinto, Rochelle Bostrom, Steven Hauck.
After losing her father and best friend in less than a year, wallflower Amy decides she won’t watch life pass her by one more day. Taking cues from her flawlessly sexy neighbour Brooke, Amy attempts to flirt with her boyfriend, Jason.
Ever the mean girl, Brooke vindictively takes it upon herself to remind Amy just how insignificant she is in this world. With the help of her nurse mother, Amy goes under the knife. Now a dead ringer for Brooke, Amy makes her move on Jason.
Meanwhile, deep down the forgotten stretches of back road where the kids race their cars, two deranged brothers, Darryl and Jon Roy intercept 911 calls in their father’s beat up old ambulance to exact medical atrocities upon their unlucky victims.
When a careless car accident befalls Brooke and Jason, Amy gets caught in the fallout. Amy always wanted her neighbour’s life, but she may get her neighbour’s fate…
“From Moseley’s sarcastic one-liners (“It’s okay, I’m a paramedic“) to Hodder’s muted brutality, this film has got all its pieces in order to bring joy to those who crave horror star-power and true lovers of visceral amusement.” Matt Boiselle, Dread Central
“… blended perfectly to make up one awesome movie. The conflict within this film are endless, there is domestic violence, insanity, murder, revenge, betrayal, standard bitchy teenage behavior and so much more. What’s not to love?” Little Blog of Horror
“The film seems to suffer from an identity crisis – is it trying to be a slasher movie? Not really. Is it going for the ‘torture porn’ angle? There isn’t enough blood and gore or interesting kills for that. Is it trying to be a ‘Jaws on the highway’ type movie? Maybe. It really struggles to find a balance between all of the plot threads.” Martin Appleby, UK Horror Scene
“Sadly, the low budgetness of the flick comes through in certain areas, such as acting and story. The biggest crime against the flick, however, is the limited use of said horror icons Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley. They don’t do much for a good portion of the film and really only come into play at the end of the movie.” Matthew Tatlock, From the Mind of Tatlock
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