Treevenge is a 2008 short American dark comedy horror film written and directed by Jason Eisener (Hobo with a Shotgun, The ABCs of Death ‘Y is for Youngbuck’ segment and V/H/S/2 ‘Alien Abduction Slumber Party’) and produced by Yer Dead Productions. Riz Ortolani’s theme song to Cannibal Holocaust is played during the opening titles.
Jonathan Torrens, Sarah E. Dunsworth, Lex Gigeroff, Molly Dunsworth, Glenn Matthews, and Kristin Slaney.
Trevenge depicts Christmas from the perspective of sentient Christmas trees. After being hacked down and shipped to homes, they are subject to “humiliation” by humans, who decorated them and make them stand in their living rooms. The Christmas trees have had enough, and go on to massacre and kill an entire town as part of their uprising…
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