‘Deck the halls… with lots of bodies!’
Dismembering Christmas is a 2015 American horror film directed by Austin Bosley (Tahorror) from a screenplay by Steve Goltz (Hole in the Wall) and Kevin Sommerfield (Don’t Go to the Reunion). The film is a Slasher Studios production.
At a vacation winter lake house, seven high school seniors are attacked by a madman out for revenge…
Baker Chase Powell, Leah Wiseman, Danielle Doetsch, Nina Kova, Marla Van Lanen, Austin Bosley, Johnathon Krautkramer, Shannon McInnis, Jennifer Lenius, Scott Seagren.
Filming locations:
Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA
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Related: Ho! Ho! Horror! Festive Fright Films – article by David Flint