Flay – also known as Slender – is a 2015 American supernatural horror film directed by Eric Pham (visual effects on Spy Kids, Sin City, Grindhouse) from a screenplay by Matthew Daley.
Slender Man look-alike film Flay is a contemporary mashup of the Japanese legend of the Noppera-bō, or faceless ghost, and Native American legend of a figure that “Flays” the face of his victims.
Main cast:
Elle LaMont, Dalton Gray, Violett Beane, Johnny Walter, A. Michael Baldwin and Violett Beane.
A recovering addict and artist inadvertently unleashes a centuries old curse by acquiring a mysterious and alluring black chain that empowers Flay, a faceless killer who drags his victims to the netherworld and returns their dead bodies to the world seemingly unharmed…