Ludo is a 2015 Bengali Indian horror film directed by Qaushiq Mukherjee and Nikon from a screenplay written by Mukherjee, based on a storyline they both devised.
Kamalika Banerjee, Joyraj Bhattacharya, Soumendra Bhattacharya, Ananya Biswas, Ranodeep Bose, Murari Mukherjee, Rii, Subholina Sen, Tillotama Shome
“It follows the classic slasher formula of kids trying to get laid, and instead ending up in pieces all over the place, but it does it in a way that deceptively sidesteps the audience’s expectations, and perhaps offers a bit of a bait and switch.” J Hurtado, Twitch
“Ludo has things to say about India’s still-repressed culture, and its attempts at tying sex into the horror are noticeable even if they’re not all that understandable. One monster devours someone’s innards only to be seen in the next scene smoking a post-cannibalistic cigarette. It’s not very subtle, but it’s also not very conclusive.” Rob Hunter, Film School Rejects
“There’s a lot of promise in Ludo that gradually dissolves when the horror elements kick in. By the end, after we’ve seen guts consumed and other hideous acts occur under the mall’s roof, I wasn’t sure what was trying to be said other than “look at how crazy this shit is!” There’s an edginess to their film trying to find balance with the message, but the two never cohesively mesh.” Patrick Cooper, Bloody Disgusting