The Forest is a 2016 American horror/thriller film directed by Jason Zada from a screenplay by David S. Goyer (Blade II; The Unborn; Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance), Nick Antosca (TV series’ Teen Wolf; Hannibal; Friday the 13th), Sarah Cornwell and Ben Katai (30 Days of Night: Dark Days; Hush).
Natalie Dormer, Taylor Kinney, Eoin Macken, Yukiyoshi Ozawa, Rina Takasaki, Kikuo Ichikawa, Noriko Sakura, Yûho Yamashita, Stephanie Vogt, James Owen.
The Forest is set to be released January 8, 2016 in the United States.
Plot teaser:
Set in the Aokigahara Forest, a real-life place in Japan where people go to end their lives. Against this backdrop, a young American woman comes in search of her twin sister, who has mysteriously disappeared. Despite everyone’s warnings not to “stray from the path,” Sara (Natalie Dormer) dares to enter the forest to discover the truth about her sister’s fate, only to be confronted by the angry and tormented souls of the dead who now prey on anyone who crosses their paths…
Filming locations:
Aokigahara Forest, Japan
Tokyo, Japan