Pod is a 2015 American sci-fi horror film written and directed by Mickey Keating (Ritual). It stars Lauren Ashley Carter (Jug Face; The Woman), Dean Cates, Brian Morvant, Larry Fessenden (Wendigo; I Sell the Dead; Beneath), and John Weselcouch.
The film premiered at the South by Southwest festival (SXSW) on March 16, 2015.
Plot teaser:
After receiving a warning not to come to their family lake house in Maine, siblings Lyla and Ed stage an intervention for their brother, Martin. When they arrive, they find that he has descended into apparent paranoid psychosis and claims to have trapped a monster in the basement…
” … taps into a supernatural/suburban ambiguity reminiscent of the best of The X-Files … in what is basically a three hander, stunt man/actor Morvant furiously pushes the scenario to its limits, making the increasingly dangerous and erratic veteran equally enthralling, terrifying, and tragic.” Richard Whittaker, The Austin Chronicle
“Pod takes an interesting approach to both the condensed paranoid drama (à la Bug) and the creature feature, resulting in a wildly entertaining film.” Patrick Cooper, Bloody Disgusting
“Pod is a jarring, exciting cinematic funhouse; an aspect seemingly inherent to Keating’s developing voice. In two features, the director is intent on bursting into various subgenres, not with a focus on deconstruction but—with manic narratives that take place over hours—certainly tearing shit up.” Samuel Zimmerman, Shock Till Your Drop
“Credit Keating with throwing together some tense moments of claustrophobic monster horror, which he’s able to generate by using a tiny cabin located in the middle of a wooded lake area … You will be scared, but more importantly, you’ll gaze upon a snowy landscape with a beautifully sinister feel, and for that, Keating’s team deserves a tip of the cap.” Matt Donato, We Got This Covered
Lauren Ashley Carter as Lyla
Dean Cates as Ed
Brian Morvant as Martin
Larry Fessenden as Smith
John Weselcouch as John Boy
Round Pod, Maine, USA
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