“If you have a craving for terror come to the class reunion”
The Redeemer: Son of Satan (also known as Class Reunion Massacre) is an American horror film directed by Constantine S. Gochis and starring Damien Knight, Jeanetta Arnette, Nick Carter, Nikki Barthen and Michael Hollingsworth. It was filmed over four weeks in 1976 and released in 1978.
Plot Teaser:
Six people are trapped within the confines of their old high school during their 10th high school reunion with a psychotic, masked preacher who kills them off for their sinful lives they have made for themselves…
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“From a production standpoint the direction and acting all hold a lot better than other low budget horror films. And the overall quality of this production is even more impressive considering that this was the only film that most of the cast, the screenwriter and the director ever worked. Ultimately if you can look past its shortcomings, Redeemer: Son of Satan is a fun ride that fans of the slasher film genre should thoroughly enjoy.” 10K Bullets
“Ultimately, despite the fact that it’s basically a stalk and slash, The Redeemer has enough going for it in terms of creativity and unpredictability that horror fans should find a lot to like about the movie. It’s not a perfect film and there are moments that work better than others, but overall there’s plenty of entertainment value here and even a couple of creepy thrills.” DVD Talk
“The Redeemer: Son of Satan is a truly great, forgotten horror movie. Yes, it’s got it’s cheesy problems just like any other film of its era, but it also builds a sense of foreboding doom more palpable than a lot of movies I have encountered. From the minute the hapless victims set foot into the school, you feel they are in great danger and a number of moments in the film come off as genuinely suspenseful.” Oh, the Horror!