Revenge of the Living Dead Girls aka The Living Dead is a 1986 French supernatural horror film directed by Pierre B. Reinhard from a screenplay by producer Jean-Claude Roy. Originally titled La revanche des mortes vivantes it was released in France on 16 September 1987.
Véronique Catanzaro, Kathryn Charly, Sylvie Novak, Anthea Wyler, Laurence Mercier, Patrick Guillemin, Gabor Rassov, Christina Schmidt and Cornélia Wilms.
Plot teaser:
In France, the CEO of a chemical company looks to cheaply dispose of their plant’s chemical waste. He and his secretary come up with the idea to dump it illegally. When the secretary contaminates a milk tanker, it causes several deaths in the town. The toxic waste, dumped in a nearby graveyard, then causes the recently dead townspeople to rise as ravenous zombies, who seek revenge on the unscrupulous company and its employees…
“In the end, the utter nonsense of the whole affair undermines Reinhard’s “Give a hoot, don’t pollute” message and the general sleaziness undermines the female empowerment angle of lady zombies (and Bridget) beating up the boys. What you have is some nakedness, some blood and some terrible dubbing.” Dave Bow, Portland Mercury
“What follows is a impossible-to-follow-even-if-we-cared plot involving chemical dumping, corporate blackmail, and enough fornication to make a soap opera roll its eyes; everyone seems to be involved with everyone else’s partners. As toxic chemicals seep into the graves of the dead girls, they rise and exact their revenge on those who are responsible – just as the title advertises! See zombie girls rise from the grave looking like cheap knockoffs from Thriller. Kill girls kill! Mix in some unsexy nudity. Rinse. Kill again.” Peter Schorn, IGN
” … for fans of bad trash cinema, this one is worth a look. Despite some slow spots it offers enough ineptitude, gore and completely unnecessary nudity to satisfy the wants of most exploitation fans and the unintentional hilarity scattered throughout give it a fair amount of entertainment value if you have a tolerance for bad movies.” Ian Jane, DVD Talk
“The best bit is probably when the three women zombies lamely sexual assault and play grab ass with a female victim, who sort of starts masturbating with a severed hand. She loses interest in the sex about the time a zombie chick sticks a sword into her vagina. No, I’m not kidding. Yes, on paper it sounds like it would be an awesome, brutal, gross scene. In execution, its kind of like bad softcore porn, but it is a scene worth watching, horror fans.” Robert Fure, Film School Rejects
” … numerous dull boardroom scenes and typically gratuitous nude scenes featuring the majority of the female cast. Almost everything about this production is inept, thanks to director Pierre B. Reinhard (who, unsurprisingly, also has several soft-core porno titles to his credit). Gives milk a bad name.” Glenn Kay, Zombie Movies: The Ultimate Guide
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