Badoet is a 2015 Indonesian horror film directed by Awi Suryadi and produced by Haresh Kemlani and Daniel Topan for DT Films. It stars Daniel Topan, Ratu Felisha, Christoffer Nelwan, Marcel Chandrawinata, Aurelie Moeremans, Tiara Westlake, Ronny P. Tjandra.
The film is due to be released in Indonesia in September. At the time of writing, it does not yet appear on Meanwhile, the following plot teaser has been translated by
Plot teaser:
In an apartment block on the outskirts of Jakarta, three children commit suicide separately . A group of young students decide to investigate and uncover dozens of papers containing a mysterious clown picture in each of the rooms where the three children died. When an eight-year-old boy named Vino begins drawing the same figure, it seems obvious that he is the next target of the sinister clown…
Indonesian films on Horrorpedia: The Forbidden Door | Kampung Zombie | Killers | Macabre (2009) | Mystics in Bali | Satan’s Slave (1980) | Takut: Faces of Fear | Wewe