Shrunken Heads is a 1994 American film directed by Richard Elfman (Forbidden Zone; Modern Vampires) from a screenplay by Matthew Bright. It is Full Moon Entertainment’s first theatrical feature, and the last film in which Julius Harris (Live and Let Die; King Kong (1976), Darkman; Maniac Cop III: Badge of Silence) appeared.
Director Richard Elfman’s brother, Danny Elfman, provided the main theme music for the film, while the rest of the score was created by Richard Band. Richard’s son, Bodhi Elfman, appeared in the film as Booger Martin.
Plot teaser:
After a New York street gang kills three youths, a friendly voodoo priest reanimates them so that they can seek vengeance…
” … the script wisely capitalizes on the humor of floating bodiless heroes. Of course, the movie still includes such Full Moon staples as kiddie-level violence and time-padding flashbacks, but Elfman’s fun-loving touches manage to get this new series up and running with twisted enthusiasm.” J.R. Taylor, Entertainment Weekly
“Being one of my favorite B movies of all time, I highly recommended Shrunken Heads to everyone because there really is a little something for everybody in this film. There’s action, comedy, drama, magic, love, lots of cool/cheesy special effects, and even a portrayal of the step-by-step process of making shrunken heads.” Swamp Flix
“Shrunken Heads is one of the most unique revenge tales you are ever likely to see. It definitely takes a while to get rolling, but when it hits its stride, it goes for the throat and never looks back. If you have any interest in horror comedies and voodoo practitioners you owe it to yourself to check out this decidedly campy piece of fun cinema!” Silver Emulsion
Writing in The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia, Peter Dendle said that the characters “lovingly exaggerate every preposterous line with relish, yielding some outrageous dialogue in an otherwise treadmill production.”
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- Julius Harris as Aristide Sumatra, a voodoo priest
- Meg Foster as Big Moe, a tough lesbian mob boss
- Aeryk Egan as Tommy Larson
- Rebecca Herbst as Sally
- Bo Sharon as Bill Turner
- Bodhi Elfman as Booger Martin
- A.J. Damato as Vinnie Benedetti
- Darris Love as Freddie Thompson
- Troy Fromin as Podowski
- Leigh-Allyn Baker as Mitzi
- Paul Linke as Mr. Larson
- Billye Ree Wallace as Mrs. Wilson
- R.J. Frost as The Vipers
- Randy Vahan as the plumber
- Don Dolan as the arresting cop