The Diabolical is a 2015 American science fiction horror film directed by Alistair Legrand from a screenplay co-written with Luke Harvis. It stars Ali Larter (Final Destination, Resident Evil: Extinction/Afterlife), Patrick Fischler, Arjun Gupta, Merrin Dungey and Joe Egender. The film has been produced by Content Media and Preferred Film & TV.
Following a world premiere on March 16, 2015, at SXSW festival, XLrator Media will distribute the film in the US via it’s Macabre label on October 16, 2015. Meanwhile, a Japanese release is scheduled for August 22, 2015.
Plot teaser:
Madison and her children live in a quiet suburban home but are awoken nightly by an increasingly strange and intense presence. Madison desperately seeks help from her scientist boyfriend Nikolai, who begins a hunt to destroy the violent spirit that paranormal experts are too frightened to undertake…
“Ultimately, The Diabolical has enough scares to to be worthwhile as a genre flick and enough brains to provide a story worth watching. A few plot gaps and unanswered questions keep it from being a great horror movie, but it’s still a very enjoyable one.” Alexander Lowe, We Got This Covered
“The Diabolical just doesn’t do enough with its entire running time and it serves as an example of how the new model of an old horror trope with a new twist is growing tired as well. Still, there is enough thought-provoking sci-fi horror at the climax to maybe justify a watch if you’re looking to watch every new release that comes out.” Drew Tinnin, Dread Central
“Who the ghostly presences are and why they are dogging this family are cleverly revealed in bite size chunks throughout the film creating oodles of ambiguity which keeps the audience on tenterhooks until the quandary is finally resolved.” Howard Gorman, Scream
- Ali Larter as Madison
- Arjun Gupta as Nikolai
- Max Rose as Jacob
- Chloe Perrin as Haley
- Kurt Carley as The Prisoner
- Merrin Dungey as Mrs. Wallace
- Patrick Fischler as Austin
- Wilmer Calderon as Miguel
- Tom Wright as Curtis
- Laura Margolis as Marcy
- Joe Egender as Carl