Fear the Walking Dead is a 2015 American television series created by Robert Kirkman and Dave Erickson scheduled to premiere on AMC and globally in August 2015. It is a companion series to the hugely successful horror drama TV series The Walking Dead, which is based on the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard.
AMC approved the pilot to series on March 9, 2015, with a two-season commitment.
Plot teaser:
Set in Los Angeles, the series follows a male divorced teacher, a female guidance counsellor, and her two children – a son and a daughter – in the zombie apocalypse…
- Kim Dickens as Madison, a high school guidance counsellor and fiancee to Travis. She is a single mother to Alicia and Nick.
- Cliff Curtis as Travis, Madison’s fiance and a divorced teacher who shares custody of his son Chris with ex-wife Liza.
- Frank Dillane as Nick, Madison’s college-flunk out son who is battling a drug problem.
- Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia, Madison’s high-achieving and ambitious daughter who is in a relationship with her jock boyfriend Matt. She is able to read situations well and often finds herself at odds with Nick due to his unmotivated nature.
- Elizabeth Rodriguez as Liza, Travis’s ex-wife and mother to their son Chris. A free-spirited bohemian type, she is attempting to rebound from her disastrous marriage.
- Mercedes Mason as Ofelia
- Rubén Blades as Daniel, Ofelia’s father
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