Dead Story is a 2015 American horror film directed by Indian-born Suneel Tripuraneni from a screenplay co-written with Bruce W. Durbin. Its stars Kelsey Deanne, Chase Austin, Jessica Willis, Sheril Rodgers, Jay Bowles, Jason McRoberts, Christopher Phipps.
Plot teaser:
In December 1914, a young bride, Caitlin, brutally murdered her husband, while he slept in his bed, at a remote Texas ranch. Again, in December 1944 and 1994, more horrific murders took place at the same ranch. In December 2014, Anne and her husband, Harold, have just moved into the ranch, believing that it offers the solace that they both crave. On their first night at the ranch, their friends, Emma and Neil, throw them a house warming party, with Neil asking them if they’ve heard the story of the ranch. Neil begins to tell them that this is a ‘Dead Story’, as it will get you “dead”, as opposed to a ghost story, which is just meant to scare you…
Filming locations:
Celina, Texas, USA