Anger of the Dead – aka Apocalisse Zero – is a 2015 Italian-Canadian post-apocalyptic horror movie produced by Uwe Boll (House of the Dead; Alone in the Dark; BloodRayne: The Third Reich) and Luca Boni, and written and directed by Francesco Picone (based on his 2013 short film of the same name).
The film stars Aaron Stielstra, Michael Segal, Marius Bizau, Désirée Giorgetti, Claudio Camilli, David White, Ally McClelland, Roberta Sparta.
“While there are more than a few slow spots in Picone’s first full-length presentation, his ability to convey a fairly decent story is what pulls this movie through and sets it apart from a typical Boll production. The dive into humanity is deep, and for the first time in ages, I actually gave a crap about a few of the characters … Overall, thumbs up to Picone for a nice job with taking a sub-genre that’s been butchered and valiantly reviving it for a short spell. This is definitely worth the view-time if you have the opportunity.” Matt Boiselle, Dread Central